Friday, June 17, 2011

First Impressions...

BiC stores in every town...

A yellow Mickey Mouse shirt worn by an African woman...

"Pointy-toe" dress shoes worn like European men...

English phrases and greetings...

Pizza at a local restaurant...

And ice-cold Coke...

There are familiar things even in foreign lands. Here in Uganda, what has been most surprising to me is that these are good things from home. In my travels abroad, I've often observed the bad from home--music, fashion, language, and other immoral influences.

I've noticed, however, that "goodness" is a word I would use to describe the people here:

The "tough" African man who seemed to be staring me down, only to crack a huge smile and wave to me...

The small boy who gave his sister a ride on his back--just like a horse...

Our cook, Mercy, who gave me a big welcome hug...

The school teacher who asked my profession so that he could learn from me something he could teach his students at the orphanage...

These people, who have nothing, have so much to give. They give THEMSELVES. It's that giving that makes them so GOOD.

There's the example for me. I'm hoping that I, too, can be GOOD. And so I have committed to give my all while I am here.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you are tearing it up across the pond. It's humbling to see others with so much less be so much more generous than what we're used to or what we expect. May your "heart grow 3 sizes" over the course of your adventures!

